What you need to know – an introductory guide
Climate change increases the complexity and the unpredictable nature of the weather, and one of those extreme weather conditions brought forth by climate change is frost. Frost damage poses one of the major threats to agricultural production in recent years.
Frost protection is a complex topic, but it need not be difficult to find a solution. We have created an introductory manual for frost protection that provides an overview of:
- The 2 major frost types: Advection (windy/artic/black) Frost, and Radiation Frost
- The critical spring temperatures for 7 different crops at various crop stages
- An overview of active frost protection methods
- How latent heat is the key to preventing frost damage
- An overview and typical design of the 3 different frost protection systems by sprinkler: Overhead full cover, individual protection, and under-tree protection
- Key principals for knowing when to start and how much water to apply during a frost event
Frost events are a challenge, but they can be overcome. Download our introductory guide for a detailed overview of the subject, and then contact us to design a system to protect your crops.

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